Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Second Post: Day Game at school

So it's Wednesday, I just finished school and I'm ready to go sarging with my wings Felix and Iany.

McGill Campus
first set --> I ask a HB6 for directions. She complies and gives me directions to McIntyre
Length: 1 minute

second set --> I see a Hb7.5 walking towards school. I tell her "hi there, I just noticed you walking by, and I thought it would be a good idea to come over and say hi. My name is Robert. She introduces herself. I ask her if she is from L.A. because of her fashion sense. She says "Naw I'm from Vancouver." She tells me she is majoring in chemistry and I relate to her on chemistry for a bit since I took some chemistry courses in school. We connect a bit on some rapport topics.
She tells me she's in a rush to her chemistry lab so I just ask her for her facebook and number. She gladly gives it to me and gives me a hug.
Length: 7 minutes

third set --> I see this HB6.5 walking towards school. I'm hanging out with Iany in front of the school. I immediately run off and go direct on her. She is a bit cold, quite unresponsive and she just continues walking. I keep ploughing and ploughing until she says "sorry."
Length: 30 seconds

fourth set --> I am walking around the Leacock building when I suddenly see this stunning tall asian girl (5'11" wtf). I follow her to class and decide to try to approach her during her lecture class. hehehe i never tried gaming girls in their lecture courses. Iany and I are sitting in class.
I approach her with "hey so do you come to class often." She says "yeh i do" and I introduce myself. I talk to her a bit about the course since I have no idea what this class is about. I then gracefully eject since it's the first time i try gaming in a school environment.
Length: 1 minute

sixth set --> I am chilling with Felix and Iany at Redpath Library. A HB8 is walking towards the tunnel that connects it to the Arts building. I walk towards her and try to walk past her so i can approach her. Eventually I pass her and I go direct on her. She smiles and is totally hooked.
She tells me where she's from New York and i start teasing about something... damn i forget.
We talk about travel, childhood, movies, hobbies, pets. There's some solid connection.
She's pretty hot and tells me about her boyfriend so I just facebook close.
Length: 15 minutes

seventh set --> I go direct on this UG5.5 at Redpath Library. I introduce myself and she is quite cold and unresponsive at first. I don't really care because she's UG so I keep ploughing. After a minute, she starts to open up her body language, smiling/laughing and she's brushing her hair (4 times... i counted). She opens up well after being standoffish/coldish to me at the start. i find out about her major... economics and she tells me more about it. I connect to her a little on that since I major in accountancy. Not really the same but whatever.
I go onto my regular rapport topics... music, hobbies, childhood. We get some solid connection from there.
I am not really into the girl so I just facebook close her.
Length: 10 minutes.

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