Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Second Post: Day Game at school

So it's Wednesday, I just finished school and I'm ready to go sarging with my wings Felix and Iany.

McGill Campus
first set --> I ask a HB6 for directions. She complies and gives me directions to McIntyre
Length: 1 minute

second set --> I see a Hb7.5 walking towards school. I tell her "hi there, I just noticed you walking by, and I thought it would be a good idea to come over and say hi. My name is Robert. She introduces herself. I ask her if she is from L.A. because of her fashion sense. She says "Naw I'm from Vancouver." She tells me she is majoring in chemistry and I relate to her on chemistry for a bit since I took some chemistry courses in school. We connect a bit on some rapport topics.
She tells me she's in a rush to her chemistry lab so I just ask her for her facebook and number. She gladly gives it to me and gives me a hug.
Length: 7 minutes

third set --> I see this HB6.5 walking towards school. I'm hanging out with Iany in front of the school. I immediately run off and go direct on her. She is a bit cold, quite unresponsive and she just continues walking. I keep ploughing and ploughing until she says "sorry."
Length: 30 seconds

fourth set --> I am walking around the Leacock building when I suddenly see this stunning tall asian girl (5'11" wtf). I follow her to class and decide to try to approach her during her lecture class. hehehe i never tried gaming girls in their lecture courses. Iany and I are sitting in class.
I approach her with "hey so do you come to class often." She says "yeh i do" and I introduce myself. I talk to her a bit about the course since I have no idea what this class is about. I then gracefully eject since it's the first time i try gaming in a school environment.
Length: 1 minute

sixth set --> I am chilling with Felix and Iany at Redpath Library. A HB8 is walking towards the tunnel that connects it to the Arts building. I walk towards her and try to walk past her so i can approach her. Eventually I pass her and I go direct on her. She smiles and is totally hooked.
She tells me where she's from New York and i start teasing about something... damn i forget.
We talk about travel, childhood, movies, hobbies, pets. There's some solid connection.
She's pretty hot and tells me about her boyfriend so I just facebook close.
Length: 15 minutes

seventh set --> I go direct on this UG5.5 at Redpath Library. I introduce myself and she is quite cold and unresponsive at first. I don't really care because she's UG so I keep ploughing. After a minute, she starts to open up her body language, smiling/laughing and she's brushing her hair (4 times... i counted). She opens up well after being standoffish/coldish to me at the start. i find out about her major... economics and she tells me more about it. I connect to her a little on that since I major in accountancy. Not really the same but whatever.
I go onto my regular rapport topics... music, hobbies, childhood. We get some solid connection from there.
I am not really into the girl so I just facebook close her.
Length: 10 minutes.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My First Post: The Beginning

Today, I had some free time in the morning, thus I decide to go sarging with Iany at Mcgill college. I came pretty early and there weren't lots of students so i decide to open with directions to a certain location.

First two sets --> Excuse me, i'm a foreign exchange student and i'm kinda lost right now. do you know where I can find xyz building.

Set 3 --> I see a HB7 by herself on the computer. Walk off to target and say"Hi there, I just noticed you from back there, and i thought it would be a good idea to come over and say hi. I'm Yang. She introduces herself and we start talking. Nothing special, it was just boring fluff talk so I eject after 5 minutes.

Set 4 --> I see this HB7.5 sitting by herself studying. I decide to follow the 3 second rule and just approach. I go direct on this girl, same opener. She's quite friendly and receptive so I continue talking to her. I try to cold read where she was from. "You're not from here are you? You look like you're from Vancouver like just because of the the way you posture and gesture yourself". She smiles and says"No I'm actually from Toronto". I start teasing her for being from Toronto. I also start demonstrating my personality through my own stories to get her smiling and laughing. From there I know, I am done with attraction and I go on to rapport.
We talk a little about travel, and movies. At some point she tells me about her bf in Italy.
The connection is still pretty tight.
I facebook close and leave. When I get home, I realize that I don't remember her name. LOL

Set 5 --> I open a 2 set using an indirect opener with Iany. The opener was "Hey guys, my friend here just broke up with his girlfriend. How long should he wait before he dates her roomate." The two girls are into the opener. I just fluff a bit about their major and where they're from. I use the Best Friends test to get them laughing. I think after that, I just go to rapport.
Find out about their passions, countries they've travelled and some other rapport topics.
From there, I decide to eject and just get their facebook info. The rapport there was so so.
There were some awkward pauses so I have to get use to approaching 2 sets. Lately I've approached mostly single sets.

Right now, I'm focusing on rapport.