Friday, May 13, 2011

Guide to better diet

Diet is very important when it comes to bodybuilding. You will not experience any drastic change in your body unless you have a drastic change in your diet. Whether you are trying to gain muscle or lose weight, your diet is the most important tool to achieving your goal. Now this does not mean that you have to throw away all your food and replace it with sushi. It would just mean that you would have to take smaller steps to reach the goal of perfect nutrition. This idea is that you slowly change unhealthy foods with better food. The changes in your diet are minimal. You will only notice that you are gaining muscles.


Drinking 1% milk over skim milk can give the average person several hundreds or thousands grams of fat per year. You definitely do not want this when working out. So what you should do is take things slowly. If you currently drink whole milk, you may want to move down to 2% milk. You will definitely not be used to the taste of the new milk but you will need to adapt to it. You are taking baby steps. After a month or two, you want to switch to 1% milk. And then to ½% milk until eventually you drink skim milk. Now you may wonder why on earth did I have to switch from 2% milk to skim milk. Well the benefit of drinking skim milk is that there is no fat in it.

Pizza and Burgers

Fast food joints are the number one reason why there is so much obesity in the world. The first thing you can do is completely cut out all fast food in your life. It may be difficult to do but this is a stripping away process. The average person in the world probably has a craving for pizza and burgers. The thing about food is that you may learn to love the food but you can also unlearn to love the food. It just takes some time and discipline. Over time, the craving for fast food may be completely gone from your system.


Sugar is one thing you must avoid at all cost. It is very addictive because it tastes so good. I personally love drinking smoothies and I’ve been drinking them all summer. However I made a VOW to myself that I would not drink them anymore. It was definitely a sacrifice for me. I cut it out and drank mostly water. As weeks went by, I kept changing my diet slowly.